Director’s Message
Dear art-loving friends,
The Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery is your own home. We wish that you’ll enjoy the diverse and enriching artworks that we’ll present in an exciting, inspiring manner. In this warm setting, we’ll do our best to demonstrate the necessary care toward panhuman values and to create the respective interest toward them.
Culture ennobles personality, and through culture, it is possible to become acquainted with the history of people in a more realistic and objective way. For this reason, our doors are open to everyone, of course remaining committed to the quality standards of art.
We also invite artists to join in our efforts. Art is an international language, and each human idea that is transformed into an artistic creation with special colors and shapes needs to be disseminated. The meeting of artists in such settings is essential for enriching cultural reasoning.
In conclusion, allow me to say that the rich and centuries-long Armenian cultural heritage places us under a high level of commitment to continue our work with determination, always seeking perfection and completeness.
Warm wishes,
Hagop Havatian

Hagop Havatian
About the Gallery
The Hamazkayin “Lucy Tutunjian” Art Gallery was founded in 2009 to bring great art to the people of Lebanon and the region, to promote the works of artists with different backgrounds and styles, and to be an engaging meeting place for all art lovers.
Built with the generous support of Mr. and Mrs. Garbis and Lucy Tutunjian, the gallery aims to play a unique role in the Lebanese-Armenian community and Lebanon’s cultural landscape.
As a new but continuously growing cultural center, the gallery also intends to build on the multifold and multifarious activities of the Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society, a non-profit organization founded in Egypt in 1928, which now has chapters in various Armenian communities around the world.
Located on the ground floor of Shaghzoyan Center in Bourj Hammoud, the gallery is just 10 minutes drive from downtown Beirut. It is adjacent to the Hamazkayin “Vahe Setian” Printing & Publishing House and Bookstore.
The gallery provides a showcase for celebrated Lebanese and international artists.