The opening ceremony of the 127th exhibition of artist Missak Terzian took place on the rainy evening of December 1, 2016. The 28 paintings mostly painted in 2016 and some from 2015 will echo their “Silent Sounds” at the Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery until December 12.
The ceremony featured speeches by Art Gallery staff member, Suzy Derderian, and the artist who delivered his word in English. Suzy Derderian In Terzian’s paintings, we clearly see the spirit of survival, existence and reproduction. In his colors, there is stamina; in the motions, elevated flight. His work inspires future hope and joy. Missak Terzian (The artist) Silent Sounds are born through man’s negligence and violent actions such as the silenced sounds of the birds killed by hunters. Other examples of Silent Sounds include the silenced voices of the martyrs of the Armenian Genocide, especially the unborn children who were suffocated in their mothers’ wombs; also our voices which remain silent toward the killings in war as we cannot do anything to stop them. In these paintings, the Silent Sounds are represented by the musical instruments, which we can see but not hear because they are soundless representing departed great musicians such as Gomidas. However today, the silent sound also represents recently deceased great artist and teacher, Guvder, who had not only taught Terzian the secrets of colors, but also given him strength and taught him appreciation of art. Conversely, Terzian uses vibrant colors that represent new life and hope. |
December 1, 2016 @ 07:30
7:30 am — 7:30 am ()