On Thursday March 12, 2015, the Hamazkayin Art Gallery launched the exhibition of Popular Armenian Painter Anatoly GRIGORIAN under the patronage of RA Minister of Diaspora Mrs. Hranoush Hagopian.
The opening ceremony was attended by Armenian Ambassador in Lebanon Mr. Ashot Kocharian, Lebanese Diocese Bishop Shahe Panossian, Minister Arthur Nazarian, Former Members of Parliament, the mayor of the municipality of Bourj Hammoud Antranig Messerlian, representatives of national bodies and associations, Armenian and foreign artists and a large number of art-lovers.
The opening speech was delivered by Art Gallery representative Grace Lojikian who presented the artist and his creativity journey.
The opening speech was delivered by Art Gallery representative Grace Lojikian who presented the artist and his creativity journey.

Art Gallery director Hagop Havatian started his speech by mentioning that the exhibition is under the patronage of the RA Minister of Diaspora Mrs. Hranoush Hagopian who unfortunately was not present at the opening ceremony since there was a change in schedules and her flight was delayed by a few hours. He added that the Minister was however going to visit the Art Gallery the following day to deliver her welcoming speech on the occasion of this exhibition.
Havatian thanked the Hamazkayin Armenia Office for their collaboration in organizing this kind of high-quality exhibitions in Lebanon. He also thanked the artist, Anatoly Grigorian, highlighting the artist’s high human and cultural values, and referring to his invaluable contribution as Head of the Department of Painting at State Academy of Fine Arts in preparing expert future generations.
Havatian thanked the Hamazkayin Armenia Office for their collaboration in organizing this kind of high-quality exhibitions in Lebanon. He also thanked the artist, Anatoly Grigorian, highlighting the artist’s high human and cultural values, and referring to his invaluable contribution as Head of the Department of Painting at State Academy of Fine Arts in preparing expert future generations.

The final word was delivered by the artist himself who highly praised the concept of hosting and organizing this exhibition by the Hamazkayin Art Gallery. With great emphasis, he referred to the scrupulosity and high quality shown by the Lebanese art-lover as the artist conveyed his great impressions of the Lebanese-Armenian community. And finally, he hoped that through his creations, he will succeed in adding a memorable page to the rich Lebanese-Armenian cultural life.

The following day, RA Minister of Diaspora Mrs. Hranoush Hagopian visited the Hamazkayin “Lucy Tutunjian” Art Gallery and was received by the Art Gallery staff and a number of guests.
Art Gallery director Hagop Havatian welcomed the Minister and briefly introduced her to the history of the Gallery specially mentioning the more than 20 individual and collective exhibitions that the Art Gallery has organized over the years though which it has introduced renowned artists and young talents from Armenia.
Art Gallery director Hagop Havatian welcomed the Minister and briefly introduced her to the history of the Gallery specially mentioning the more than 20 individual and collective exhibitions that the Art Gallery has organized over the years though which it has introduced renowned artists and young talents from Armenia.
In her word, the Minister appreciated the collaboration and contribution of the Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society with the Ministry. She then spoke of this exhibition highly praising Grigorian’s art and his contribution to the discovery of new talents. Finally, she honored the artist with the Armenian Diaspora Ministry’s Arshile Gorky medal.
The exhibition which included 28 oil paintings of various sizes continues till March 28, 2015 every day from 9:30 am till 7:30 pm.
March 12, 2015 @ 07:30
7:30 am — 7:30 am ()