Beirut Art Fair 2014 – Hamazkayin Art Gallery’s participation
The Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian participates at the 5th edition of BAF.

The 5th edition of Beirut Art Fair (BAF) was inaugurated at the Beirut International Exhibition and Leisure center (BIEL), on September 18th, 2014 under the patronage of Mrs. Lama Tammam Salam. The Fair featured around 50 international modern and contemporary art and design galleries.

The Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery participated again this year and received hundreds of visitors at their booth (A15) from artists, art-lovers, politicians and journalists who appreciated the art of Armenian Artists Carlos SAYADYAN and GAGO as well as the works of Lebanese Armenian artists Missak TERZIAN and Mireille GOGUIKIAN.

The exhibition ended on September 21, 2014.

Until the next BAF, come see the works of many more of our artists at the Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery in Bourj Hammoud.

September 18, 2014 @ 07:30
7:30 am — 7:30 am ()

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