Vahe BERBERIAN exhibition

Organized by the Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery and sponsored by the Hamazkayin Regional Committee in Lebanon, an exhibition featuring 36 works of VahéBerberian opened on 30 October 2013, at 6:30 p.m. The event was attended by a large number of artists, art lovers and young fans.


Ms. Suzy Derderian, a staff member at the Art Gallery, delivered the opening speech, welcoming the multitalented and renowned artist to the Art Gallery. She said that Berberian has visited Lebanon on a number of occasions in the past few years to present his stand-up comedy shows. However, this time, Lebanese-Armenian art lovers will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with his painting talent, acquiring a more comprehensive understanding of the artist’s creative inner world. She added that this exhibition, along with the stand-up comedy shows in the next few days, which are sponsored by the Hamazkayin Regional Committee in Lebanon, will undeniably bring warmth to the Lebanese-Armenian community, offering unforgettable memories to its members. Derderian wished the artist continued success in his diverse endeavors.


Next, artist Razmig Bertizian, principal of Hamazkayin’s Toros Roslin Fine Arts Academy, presented Vahé Berberian’s biography and works. Bertizian said that Berberian’s acting and painting works are interrelated. At first glance, some may feel that Berberian views things in a simplistic manner. However, that does not correspond to reality, because Berberian has the talent to successfully dig deep, bring profound realities to the surface, and present them to the public with a unique style and simplicity. Bertizian expressed his gratitude to Berberian for always entrusting Hamazkayin to host his shows in Lebanon.


Vahé Berberian spoke next, explaining that all kinds of life experiences and emotions affect an artist’s inner world, leading to the creation of such works of art as the ones exhibited today at the Art Gallery. For that reason, it is difficult for an artist to explain the meaning of his artworks, because each and every one of them is the expression of a comprehensive set of inner processes.

Berberian said that he has exhibited his works in numerous international art galleries in various countries. However, this exhibition has a special importance in his life, because he feels close to his birthplace, Lebanon, and to this warm setting provided by Hamazkayin.

The exhibition runs until 3 November 2013, every day from 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. 

For more photos from this exhibition, visit the Flickr album.

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October 30, 2013 @ 07:30
7:30 am — 7:30 am ()

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