Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery unveiled


On the occasion of the Hamazkayin Art Gallery’s launch, Guvder, renowned Lebanese-Armenian painter, exhibits around 60 pieces of his artwork both paintings and sculptures.

First exhibition by Guvder on the occasion of the gallery’s launch

The official launch of the Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery took place on November 12, 2009, at 6:30 p.m., in Shaghzoyan Center.

Organized by the Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society, the event also included the opening of the exhibition of renowned Lebanese-Armenian artist Guvder’s works, in the presence of ambassadors, current and former members of parliament and ministers, clergymen, politicians and diplomats, representatives of various organizations, Armenian and non-Armenian artists, heads of educational institutions, and a huge crowd of art lovers.

Hagop Havatian, director of the Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery and of the Hamazkayin “Vahe Setian” Printing and Publishing House, addressed the audience, saying that the construction of the art gallery started six months ago, after securing the generous sponsorship and donation of Mr. and Mrs. Garbis and Lucy Tutunjian, a supporter of literary and media initiatives.

Havatian stressed that Lola Beuyukian, who prepared the general construction project, followed up the construction works with great care, and Mr. and Mrs. Aleco Bezigian contributed to the success of this project. Havatian also said that art critic Dr. Silvya Adjemian has been actively involved in the project, providing professional counseling and assistance.

Referring to renowned painter Guvder, Havatian said that he has loyally served Armenian arts and culture throughout the years, and continues to provide new energy and quality to contemporary art, despite his advanced age. Havatian added that Guvder is a school, a unique world, and a person of great personality.

Havatian concluded that the new art gallery belongs to all artists and art lovers, with the help of whom the institution will be able to grow continuously.

Next, on behalf of the Hamazkayin Central Committee, Vatche Papazian presented the Hamazkayin High Award to Lucy Tutunjian, for her enormous service in preserving Armenian culture. Guvder also received the same award for his contribution to the advancement of Armenian culture through his artistic creations. The honorees also received certificates.

Guvder and Adjemian spoke at the ceremony to express their gratitude and support. Adjemian praised Guvder’s work and the uniqueness of his artistic style. Guvder talked about the importance of the creation of such an art gallery and said he hoped it could become a meeting place for art lovers.

Speaking at the event, Lucy Tutunjian said that the creative spirit of Guvder remains young, and expressed her hope that the art gallery would become a place supporting young talents.

During the exhibition, which will run till November 27, 2009, from 9:30 a.m. till 8:00 p.m., 38 pieces of Guvder’s artwork will be on display, including some sculptures.

November 12, 2009 @ 07:30
7:30 am — 7:30 am ()

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