Lavrenti AGHASSIAN presents his paintings

51 works — oil paintings, pastels, and mixed media — by the renowned artist from Armenia on display at Hamazkayin Art Gallery.


The exhibition of works by Lavrenti Aghassian, a renowned painter from Armenia, was launched on November 11, 2010, at 6:30 p.m., at the Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery.The exhibition is being held under the patronage of His Excellency Ashot Kocharian, Armenia’s ambassador to Lebanon.

The exhibition features 51 works — oil paintings, pastels, and mixed media — with various themes. Some of the displayed paintings are “Violin,” “Sunrise,” “In the Studio,” “Dance,” “Muse” and others that are about human emotions, natural phenomena, music, etc.

The opening was attended by politicians, representatives of various community organizations, artists and art lovers.

The welcome speech of the opening ceremony was given by Hagop Havatian, director of the Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery. Havatian said that the gallery is already one year old. A year ago, some objectives were set, and since then it has been possible to have certain achievements thanks to collective efforts. Havatian said that despite the difficulties, the gallery will continue its mission.

He added that the support of Ambassador Kocharian for this exhibition is valuable, as it demonstrates the development and strengthening of ties between Armenia and the Lebanese-Armenian community in the fields of culture and arts.

With regard to Lavrenti Aghassian, Havatian said that the renowned artist has contributed greatly to the formation of new generations.

Next, Ambassador Kocharian gave a short speech, where he praised the work of the Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, wishing that it had new achievements in the future. He also commended the quality and value of Aghassian’s masterpieces.

In his speech, Aghassian said that after a 10-year break, this is the first time that he participates in an exhibition in Lebanon — a happy occasion for him, as he feels close to Lebanon, the Lebanese-Armenian community, and Bourj Hammoud. He concluded by thanking all those who helped make this event a success.

The exhibition will remain open till December 6, 2010, Mondays through Saturdays, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

November 11, 2010 @ 07:30
7:30 am — 8:30 am (1h)

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