Opening of Mireille GOGUIKIAN’s painting exhibition

Featuring 50 oil paintings and mixed media by the renowned Lebanese-Armenian artist


The exhibition of oil paintings and mixed media by Mireille Goguikian opened on May 19, 2011, at 6:30 p.m., at the Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, under the sponsorship of Mr. Paul Ayanian, president of the Bourj Hammoud Merchants’ Association.

The exhibition features 50 paintings, each with its own theme and colors. They present human emotions through natural elements and scenery.

In her opening speech, Janette Hagopian-Yapoudjian, artistic director of the Hamazkayin “Toros Roslin” Art Academy, said that Goguikian’s works are unique in their style and color combinations. She added that Goguikian is renowned not only within the Lebanese-Armenian community, but also among Lebanese and international circles.

Hagopian-Yapoudjian briefly presented Goguikian’s biography, noting that she has received numerous awards. She also said that Goguikian has been teaching in the Hamazkayin “Toros Roslin” Art Academy for the past 10 years.

Next, Goguikian addressed attendees, saying that through his imagination, an artist presents his experiences and feelings. She noted that each painting reflects the painter’s self.

At the end of her speech, Goguikian thanked Hamazkayin and all the individuals who supported her exhibition.

Paul Ayanian spoke at the end of the opening ceremony, saying that Goguikian is a unique painter, whom he wished continued success.

The exhibition runs till May 30, 2011.


May 19, 2011 @ 07:30
7:30 am — 7:30 am ()

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