Anatoly Grigoryan

Born in 1941 in Giumry. In 1961 graduated from Terlemezian Art College of Fine Arts. In 1970
became a member of RA Union of Artists Board of Directors. In 1982 was given the rank of
Honored Artist of Armenia. In 2003 became the head of YSAFA Sub-faculty of Paintings. In 2004
was given the rank of a professor. In 2005 was rewarded with Movses Khorenatsi Medal. In
2013 RA People’s Artist. The works of Anatoly Grigoryan are in Moscow’s Tretyakovskaya
Gallery and Oriental Art Museum, Yerevan National Gallery and Contemporary Art Museum,
city galleries of Rostov-na-donu, Uzhhorod, Alma-ata, and in various cities in Poland, Croatia,
Kazakhstan, as well numerous private collections. He died in March 2017.


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